Why she's Baltimore's Sexiest Sleuth

Sure she’s a fun-loving girl who has a thing for tacos and margaritas, loves a day by the pool or a good workout at the gym. She’s not afraid to get her hands dirty, and she’s quick-witted enough to get herself out of trouble. But, twenty-six year old single gals have needs, too.

I dreamt of being chased by porn stars and penises with Taylor telling me to shake it off all night. I blinked awake, the vision of me standing at a urinal holding — wait, a dick? Walker’s dick. And then it wasn’t a bathroom, but…ooh, and then I…oh, damn. I rolled over, pulled the pillow over my head, willing myself to get back to what he was doing with his dick, and how it was the second time in a week that someone that smelled like the beach or the ocean had made me just a little crazy. And wasn’t that a sign from God or the Universe or something, telling me that it’d been almost an entire summer and I hadn’t been to the beach once?

And/or I hadn’t been properly fucked in way too long. Orgasms are one thing and whoa! Walker knew how to deliver in that department, at least in his own way, but damn. For a moment, I imagined Walker laying on top of me, his voice in my ear, the weight of his body on mine, grinding me into the bed. All the sighs right here right now.

The thought of him, the sound of his voice, the way he’d whispered in my ear, said things I’d never heard a man say before…. The orgasms had come — no pun intended — hard and fast, so quickly there’d hardly been any warm-up. But who needed foreplay when a gorgeous surfer dude had you cuffed and helpless and trading orgasms for whatever it was I was there for.

Just then I couldn’t quite remember, only a vague sense of the expectation of it being something other than grinding my hips into my mattress and letting my fingers drift slowly down, underneath the little red satin shorts I’d worn to bed. My clit was already swollen and needy, and I groaned when my fingers slipped over it, my mind drifting back to the dream and that cock in my hand. How I needed it elsewhere right then. Anywhere but my hand.


Sesame Swallow, Private Investigator